Our Journey to Kazahkstan
Correia Family Website

Day 2-The Day of The Baby!!
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Brrr...its cold outside
Another shot of Denise's Russian garb.
She actually blends in quite nicely.
Welcome to Baby Town
Looking at the driveway of Baby House 3-
Temporary home to Ethan and Isabella.
It looks better on the inside...but it also
could use a bit of rebuilding and decorating.
The Kazahks take good care of the kids
with what they have....and some of the
murals on the walls are quite pretty.....
You can actually see real flowers growing in the bed at the bottom of the stairs.
That's a binkey not an "On" button!
Isabella was ON today.  As soon as she
saw D she burst out crying.  Take her
away and poof...she stops...give her back and there go the waterworks again.
Might have had something to do with the
way the light was beaming off D's hair-
I think Isabella thought her mommy's
head was on fire....

I'll have you know Madam...this hat is all the rage in Paris
They certainly do have ..ummm interesting chapeaus
in this baby house....Looks like something out of
Dr Seus if you ask me.
Earth to Mommy...
         Ummm Houston we have a problem
Can I get hair like that at  Bloomy's?
"Gimmee that Binkee!"
Denise had to intervene just in time or
else Ethan would have ripped the
binkie from Isabella's mouth....
"No One gets past my Binkey Defense"
Isabella has a little smile as the Ethan is
warded off in his search for the coveted binkey
Its Baby-Go Time Now!!
Denise is actually holding back a quite crazed Isabella.."Revenge is a dish best served cold"
Isabella Working the Bag
Its not unheard of for babies to start
their boxing skills quite early. 
"Hold it Steady mommy while I pummell the crap out of it!"
I think Dad Stepped in IT all right
Not sure why...but Ethan loves to
play with shoes...or maybe he's
just putting some smushy baby
drool inside...Present for Daddy.
My Two Girls Sitting Pretty.
There He is DAD...He Stole my Fashion Sense....GET HIM
Whaddya Mean He Tastes Like Chicken!!!
"You may have pinned me for now....but just wait"
Nope we weren't wrestling....just winding down from a
hectic day.
Big Smile From Our Little Man
This may look cute but my Thumbs are Really Stuck!!!
Apparently this has been the big problem raging in Kaz
Baby Houses this year. 
What a way to end the day.....
TODAY was definitely a great day!
Ethan was Ethan.  Very Happy..
all smiles and crawling all over the place.  To keep him close to us we'd employ the "grab leg and
drag technique"....he didn't seemed to mind...In fact I think he savored the challenge.

Isabella on the other hand started
out in typical form...lots of croc tears...but by the afternoon she was a totally changed baby.  She
was smiling, laughing and playing.
We were going to go to the mountains tomorrow...but decided
that we'd like to keep this trend
going..the hills will have to wait.

You should see some interesting
shots today.....and we will start
posting more pictures of Kaz...as we start to sightsee in a couple of

Hope you're all having as much fun
as we are!!!!
Day 3
Day 1