Correia Family Website

Our Trip
To Kazakhstan
Day 16- Operation D-Day (Depart...actually we left the next day...)
Ugh...Time to Make the Donuts....
This is not a very flattering photo of the three of us (definitely not my "finest moment") but its how we started our last day in Almaty.  Its the price we paid for hanging out with the Whites and Jurgens....damn party animals...
Lump Amidst The Pillows
Isabella is a "Top Heavy" Baby.  i.e. when she gets up
the forces of gravity do not treat her too kindly and she
tends to topple-"Poor Little Thing".  So I created this little gizmo to keep her upright...."The Pillow Prop" ....Hey it Worked !!!
Java...The Baby Drink of Champions?
Here Isabella seems to be telling us she
wants a hit off of D's coffee cup.  How else is a baby to get going in the morning?
Java Baby
Nope...we really aren't feeding Isabella coffee.  D is holding the cup well away from Isabella's face....and she's rubbing a smudge off her face....good illusion though.
Snow Again
I guess it was only fitting that Almaty snowed the day we came in and the day we left.....It sure was pretty...and the temp. wasn't as low as when we first arrived....
"Bellman...There's a Kazak In My Bed"
Here Ethan shows off his technique in sleeping in the sacred "Bicycle Rack" Formation. 
Webmasters In Process of Uploading Day 15
Here Isabella and Daddy do some tweaking to the
The Real Brains of the Operation
Here Isabella directs me in what pictures to use and what subtitles to put into the site....She would do it directly but alas her arms are too stubby to reach the keyboard.
Kaz Oberservatory
Later on in the day Vitaly and I boogied around town to
pickup some last minute items for our departure from Almaty.  This picture was taken from Vitaly's car....
Kaz Saddledome
Another shot taken from the back of a speeding vehicle.  My advice is to try and take pictures of everything before you're second last day in the country...
"I Rode to Alabamy With a Baby On My Knee..."
It looks like the little one is heaving up a kidney...or
perhaps her spleen....or perhaps its just a green face
cloth she picked up from somewhere.
Day 15
The snow really put the kibash on my plans to go to the top of the TV tower in
the Kaz mountains...but because of poor visibility we decided to just
concentrate on packing for our trip to Moscow....Beautiful Cold Moscow.

I thought our packing would be easy.  After all we did give away an entire bag-and-a-half for clothing/medical donations and food.  With these things gone life
should have been peachy.  But we did buy a lot of crap...I mean things.  I'm
probably the first person on the planet to bruise their knuckles trying to compress
space bags all night long....Eventually we did get everything to fit..but we ended
up using all the bags we came in with.  So much for travelling lightly.