Our Journey
to Kazahkstan
Correia Family Website

Day 4 - The Return of the Momma
Good Morning Kazahkstan
This is the view from our apartment.  We never noticed
it until today....due to the fog, snow and pollution mix
that filters in and around Kaz.  Same effect that you
get in LA.  I think the mountains actually bottle up alot
of the atmospheric crud.  Today started out well.
The Superbowl....Woohooooooooo
That's right....I finally got to watch my first superbowl in 6 years.  Except it was a 6am with no beer.....Way to go
Tampa Bay.....the day really did start
out well except for.....
The Superbowl....Woo Hoo
...the fact that someone got sick.  Yep D had a temp of 101.4 degrees and felt achy. So I threw her in the shower,
got her some aspirin and  hot soup.
I'm the momma....gotta love me
As luck would have it...D's temp came
down to normal and we thought it was
safe for her to see the kids....

On a side note; we were kind of worried up to this point.  Ethan had warmed up to us extremely well.  That kid is so happy you could do anything to him and he'd come up giggling; we weren't worried about him at all.  But Isabella was starting to scare us.  She would "tolerate" our visits upto this point and kind of spend time with us but she wasn't really warming upto us either.  D kept describing Isabella like one of those old souls who sit and stare at you until they've had a chance to figure you out.  At any rate,   D and I both felt extremely guilty and self-conscious about what was going on with lil Isabella.  I even resorted to reading the "Baby Whisperer" and my trusty Baby Manual I bought for this occasion. 

Well as you're about to see....something amazing was going to happen today.  D
worked some kind of serious Momma Mojo and Isabella showed us a side of her we never saw before.  It was a very beautiful and touching scene and it just melted both of our hearts.

So Here's what happened to our little family on Day 4...
Baby Whisperer In Action
Isabella was just over a normal opening
hissy fit and then D put her on the ground and started these "purring" sounds and it got Isabella thinking.....
Don't Squeeze the Charmin
So Isabella starts to just stare at Denise...no crying...just staring....and we can see the wheels turning up there.  Then D starts to touch Isabella's cheeks...and she didn't cry.
There's Isabella's First Real Smile

Isabella was watching Ethan and I rough
housing....some pretty funky stuff and D noticed that her legs were kicking.  We figured that maybe the little one just wanted to get a piece of  the action.

So D picks her up and starts to gently rock her back and forth. As you can see for yourself we sure did get a cool reaction.

"Do I Know You"
  Isabella just giving her Daddy
  the do I know you look?
  Soon to be followed by a little
  temper tantrum....
That's it eat the hair...don't blame me if you get a hairball
By the way....this is what Ethan and I were upto during all of
this...it all started with me flying that stupid duck through the
air and making plane noises.  Both kids were stupified and
mesmerized as I made the duck do these aerobatic maneuvers.
Sure enough I get the idea to do this with Ethan....
So how do I get him off?
Ethan loved it up there....and when I took him down he'd do this cool flipping motion in the air.  Isabella was very entertained by all of this....unfortunately my little co-pilot up there decided he liked the view.  He pretty much sat up there the rest of the day.....my little human Kazak Turbin.
Say Cheese
and the rest is history.  Isabella at this
point was mega happy.  All smiles,
grabbing toys.  Gurgling at us....very cute
You should see a Dr. about that hand
Meeting mr hand-puppet for the first time.
Ummmm....you missed a spot
Happy babies tend to become gurgly babies as D finds out the hard way.
"Now that's what I call a bottle!!!"
"Don't just sit there...Give me a hand"
"Hello ....a little help please?"
Baby Jaws about to strike
Now that is one content kid
Paka Paka from the Correia Men
Day 3
Day 5