Our Journey
to Kazahkstan
Correia Family Website

Day 5 - A Day in the Life
Hello Again
We actually started out the day by taking the kids to see the fine people at
Kodak.  Once there we got the 12 photos that we need to process passports and visas for the kids to get
to the good ole USA.
Isabella meets an old friend
The kids once again were fantastic in the morning.  In the afternoon we got to
resume our visits.  Here Isabella gets
reacquainted with an old friend.
Wadda you know....he does taste like chicken
I don't think Isabella can really cause any real damage to the duck.   After all she has no teeth...I suppose she could give it a could "gumming" though......
Beep Beep. Baby Steamroller coming thru
Ethan loves rolling on top of this little
plastic toy.  I usually start out by
grabbing his feet and rolling him over it
again and again and again....and again.
Damn $%#$ Speedbumps....
Just one of many methods I use to slow down the
Ethan.  He constantly makes a bee-line to the edge of
the carpet...so we tend to block him.
"Toys toys toys...
.......what's a girl to do?"
Today toys....tomorrow it'll
be jewelry.  Here Isabella
admires her treasure trove
of baby paraphanelia.

I don't wanna belly rub....ummm a little to the left
Like my new Dentures daddy?
Seeing as how she doesn't have teeth yet..my lil
girl finds a way to improvise....Lemmee at that steak!
Now where'd I put those teeth...I mean keys..I mean teeth
Nuts...how'm I supposed to eat the good stuff now....oh my
kingdom for some polident!!!
God..where do they put the OFF switch
Isabella had a few spells of sadness
throughout the second visit.  Denise did
her best to console the lil thing.  I think
Isabella just had a tough day...She sat
through 2 hours of passport photos...that
would make me cry too.
Getting ready for blastoff...
...and there he goes....
I'm a big girl and I get to ride the big ride too....
Isabella kept staring at Ethan and I as we tiptoed
around the room....so I figured she wanted to give it
a go.
Wow they all look like ants from up here..
Looking at Mommy from way up high.....
Oh Yeah..back on terra firma ...whats the duck doin here?
"You lookin at me....You lookin at me?!?!"
Baby 1 goes over here and baby 2 goes over here....
Baby arranging takes alot of dedication and focus.  Here
Denise demonstrates her technique by precisely aligning
Ethan's butt with magnetic north. 
Day 4

Day 6
Today was a toughy.  I think after you're in-country this long you tend to go a bit batty around the fifth day.  In our case
Denise felt like crap...I was just tired...jet lag was causing us to get up at 4am...and of course going back down just wasn't happening.

We have managed to master the wonders of our apartment..  I can now open the front door in a matter of seconds (don't laugh ....one of the previous tenants took about 1 and 1/2 hours to do it!!!), and we figured out our Italian made washing machine...we can now wash our clothes in about 40 minutes vs. 90 minutes. 

We just wish we could bring the kids back tomorrow....but we still have to go through the process.  On a good note...we'll be going to TSUM tomorrow to pickup some
souvenirs/trinkets.  If anyone wants anything, speak now or forever hold your breath.

C U Tomorrow....Cary and Denise