simple. Put teething ring on foot. Baby will go crazy cuz its on the foot. Thus
buying the parent much needed time to secure the other baby's binkey stash.
Ethan eventually got it off...but I just had a great time watching him struggle....heh heh heh.
The Proof is in the Pudding...
eh voilia...le binkey is securely in the
girlie's mouth.....ummm it goes the other way sweety....bless her heart.
"what happens when I put these wet
fingers in these holes over here?"
I think Isabella is trying to fix mommy's
earache. Don't push too hard sweety..
we wouldn't want the gray matter to push
out the nose...Actually D is feeling much
better today except for a mysterious
muscle ache in her neck....wonder how
she got that now....hmmmmmmmm
Now where did I put those hands?
Isabella ponders where her two hands are....they were
here a minute ago before the Ethan steamroller ran her
over. Needless to say Ethan didn't stop rolling either.
Lil Isabella is now alot flatter as a result.....we didn't
have the heart to show the after picture......
Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin
Well of course she doesn't have any hair on her chin....her momma keeps pinchin it out. Here Denise is charming the little one with no doubt some glorious lesson that will get her by in life.....either that or she's giving the kid a raspberry
Momma takes a nap with Isabella on her lap. Now I
have a witness that D does snore....
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 2
Here Isabella returns the favor to the now
awake momma. " I told you revenge is
The dog will have to wait its turn
Ethan ponders going after the dog...but doesn't want
to give up his squishy-squeezing endeavors.
Careful or you'll put your eye out....
Actually Isabella is just wiping the sleep from her eyes.....
Isabella (Asel) with Asel
Ethan with Caregiver
Isabella with Head Baby Caregiver
Ethan with Speech Therapist
Ethan with Head Baby Caregiver
The 3 Amigas
The head baby caregiver and Denise have really started
to bond. I remember seeing D asking her where the
bathroom was and by the time she came back the two
were fast friends....My wife is very good at making
friends....language is just a formality
Alot of people have been asking us (people who will be travelling here to adopt actually)...where the pictures are of all the other kids in the Baby House. Believe it or not we haven't seen hide nor hair of the others....mainly because its the dead of winter and I think the baby house people want to limit the contact of the kids to outsiders who might introduce germs. Either that or they don't trust Denise (she does have very shifty eyes). Rest assured if we do get a chance to
photograph other kinder; then we will post those photos so you guys can see them.
Another neat thing happened today too....Many of the caregivers asked us to take pictures of themselves with our kids. When we get back to America we plan to take more pictures of the kids as they grow up and then send these pictures back to the baby house. These caregivers truly love the children and they do want to hear about their lives after they've moved away. We personally
delivered a bunch of pictures over here when we first arrived so the caregivers could see how the Boyette children have blossomed. Many of them cryed.
In and Around Kazahkstan
- Here are couple of pictures of some places that people have to go to if you're ever here....either for adoption or for visiting.
The Eiffel Tower?!?!?
Actually its just a replica in downtown Almaty. In the
background is Gulbanu's office though. There are alot
of interesting building's and architecture in Almaty....
I think we just put her kids through college
Yep...this woman has some of the best lacquer boxes
that we could find in Tsum. The stuff in front of the
counter is all ours...we'll show pictures later. As you
can see my wife is very money fly's from
my pockets her smile gets bigger.....I correlated it
The Tsum (zoom) Store
This is where you go to get your souvenirs. Go straight
to the 3rd floor.....lots of good stuff....and I mean lots. D
and I went here twice and went a bit nuts. If you ever
see our house we have a ton of artwork....well this place has lots of Mahrushka's (interlocking dolls) and lacquer
boxes and now we have lots of Mahrushka's and lacquer
boxes and stuff......we are too dangerous when it comes
to art.
One of my Birthday Gifts
It was my birthday on the 28th so D got me this chess
set. It wasn't pricey ($22) but its very pretty...pieces are
dressed in Kazahkstan attire....
Girlie Girl Gallery
These two are fast becoming close little buddies....
so I thought it would be fitting to put together the Girlie Girl Gallery....Enjoy