Hi Everyone and welcome to "The Correias in China" Photojournal. If you've made it this far then you know that we ended up in China to adopt our third child Aeryn Elisabeth. Within these pages we will share with you the trials and tribulations of international adoption against the background of Mysterious China.
If you've seen our Kaz PhotoJournal then you will know that this journal's format is very similar. Each day, we will go out and experience life in China....then we'll put up a photo blog that describes what we did along with some nifty photos.
Of course there have been many changes. Not only have D and I aged a bit (just 5 years) but we now have much better cameras and computers. Today I use a Canon 20D body with a 35mm-70mm EFS lens along with a portable Sony Cybershot. We've made the migration to a Apple laptop and I use Apple's Aperture and iPhoto to produce many of the photos you see before you. I also use the full suite of Adobe products to bring our journey to life for you.
Unfortunately in life and China, things do go wrong. Namely when we arrived we found that we couldn't access or update the website so our journal updates had a bit of a lag to them. But once we left Bejing and arrived in Chongqing we found that we were back in business.
So I welcome you to sit back and have fun while you journey with us to China.